The world championship will be held in Dublin, Ireland. Botsford has been Irish dancing since she was three years old.
About 30 participants of varying skill levels took part in the class at the Irish American Heritage Center on Monday. A ...
Whether it’s a hobby to connect to one’s roots or simply a fun way to engage with the community, Irish dance remains an ...
You can't celebrate St. Patrick's Day without a bit of Irish dancing, and Monday you could get some lessons right from the ...
A Taste of Ireland” blends cultural traditions with modern flair and plenty of ‘craic,’ creating a performance that has had ...
Broadway in 2024, is said to have plenty of "craic" (that's Irish slang for a good time).
PBS travel and music series "Ireland with Michael" will featurethe Iowa Irish Fest in Waterloo, the first time the series has ...
Now Condon will take the world stage next month at the Irish Step Dancing World Championships in Dublin, Ireland. Condon will ...
Darwin’s Irish dancing scene is about to make history, as two young stars from the Top End take their talent to the world ...
There's a lot to love about Irish Dance, which is why a group of dancers in South Jordan has been doing it for years.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) -There are so many traditions you can practice to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. One of those ...
With the Irish holiday on Monday, the Academy worked for weeks to perfect its routines in time for the shows it will perform ...