One person who was rescued said he escaped by breaking one of the ferry’s windows with his foot, according to Shanghai-based news platform The Paper. The relative of a survivor told local news ...
One person who was rescued escaped the ferry by breaking a window with his foot, a relative told, a Shanghai-based news platform.
One person who was rescued escaped the ferry by breaking a window with his foot, a relative told The Paper, a Shanghai-based newspaper. The relative also said the ferry is the main way for people ...
Streets and neighborhoods in Shanghai were again flooded on Friday ... Xinhua said, and some ferry and train services were suspended. The city's flood control office said 649 ships were either ...
ferry and airport maglev trains. The base fare is 3 yuan (about $0.45). For more information, consult the Shanghai Metro's official website. Buses are the cheapest form of transportation ...
Here’s a look at major ferry and ship sinking disasters throughout history. This timeline is not-all inclusive; various incidents with at least 1,000 fatalities are listed. Death tolls vary by source.