It was then destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666 ... rebuilt in the 10th - and then partially destroyed by fire in 1253. The cathedral in all its Gothic glory that exists today was ...
In glass and stone fashioned by craftsmen of faith, great cathedrals once embodied a tight synthesis of culture, society, and Church. That synthesis rarely exists today. All the more reason ...
The Rev Marcus Walker, the rector of St Bartholomew the Great in the City of London and chairman of Save The Parish told The ...
Visiting Europe's great cathedrals is no doubt a moving experience, regardless of one's religiosity, but the crowds and disrespectful behavior that occasionally accompany such visits can make them ...
From PBS The dome that crowns Florences great cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore the Duomo is a masterpiece of Renaissance ingenuity and an enduring source of mystery Still the largest masonry ...
2016 Movie"With this program you take a sacred journey to the furthest reaches of the globe in search of the most magnificent and breathtaking churches cathedrals temples shrines and holy places ...