But as a child psychologist and a mother of three kids, I've seen how optimizing for happiness in childhood can do more harm ...
Ask a kid, “Does eating chocolate cake make you happy?” Likely the answer is “yes.” (If no, pick another dessert.) Then get them to understand that happiness from eating that one thing ...
When you ask parents what they want for their kids, what’s usually the most common reply? They want their children to be happy. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Via Raising Happiness ...
However, if we overfocus on efforts to stave off discomfort and rely on the pursuit of “happiness” as a top driver in how we choose to raise our children, we may be doing our kids a disservice.
While a healthy marriage is a clear happiness booster, the kids who tend to follow are more of a mixed blessing. Studies of kids and happiness have come up with little more than a mess of ...
Riley Keough’s Parenting Style With Daughter Tupelo: ‘I Don’t Want My Kids to Feel Like My Happiness Is Their Responsibility’ ...
"This important fundraising campaign supports our mission of delivering happiness to hospitalized kids and their families, helping make the journey to recovery a little brighter." Play is an ...
The Church of Scientology's continued commitment to celebrating this day through kid-led initiatives reflects its dedication to fostering a culture of happiness and ethical living within the ...