An employee with a chronic health condition receives the same benefit as a young, healthy individual despite having significantly different healthcare needs. But what happens when an employer switches ...
Eating a healthy plant-based diet that includes vegetables, tea, and coffee may help people with cardiometabolic ...
People start their journeys at a different points, research shows. Recognizing how individual, interpersonal and ...
New research shows that diet quality and waist-to-hip ratio in midlife are directly linked to brain health and cognitive ...
In a new study, researchers explored experiences, perceptions, and health effects of a newly developed healthy lifestyle ...
The study was led by Dr Jufen Zhang with Prof Barbara Pierscionek and Dr. Rudolph Schutte. They studied the long-term effects ...
"While a single night of poor sleep might not cause overt illness in a healthy individual, these studies highlight that the immune system is highly sensitive to even short-term sleep loss," he said.
Yet the healthy individual is able to weather off-putting evaluations. Each person's experience is different, but over the course of the lifespan, self-esteem seems to rise and fall in predictable ...