HORIZON CITY, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — A 71-year-old man on parole was arrested after authorities said they found him with child porn in Horizon. According to the El Paso County Sheriff's Office, Lonny ...
A woman was arrested in Horizon City for driving while intoxicated, according to the Horizon City Police Department. Claudia ...
jail logs show. More: El Paso CBP officer arrested for human smuggling was allegedly in Mexican drug cartel Horizon City Police Department detectives "believe there may be other victims based on ...
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office said Monday's checkpoint in Horizon City was to check driver's licenses and insurance-- ...
An old new idea returns with El Paso County sheriff's deputies setting up street checkpoints to catch unlicensed, uninsured ...
He was booked into the El Paso County Jail on a $21,000 bond, jail records show. He was released from jail the following day after posting bail, jail logs show. Horizon City Police Department ...
As the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are just around the corner, Horizon City announced its Police Department will conduct a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) ...