Are you planning a vacation and want details on the best beaches in Kenya? Check out this article to learn about their locations and what they offer.
Squatters petrol-bombed a Kenyan of British descent in Kilifi as tension rose in parts of Coast pitting squatters against landowners. And security personnel descended on a German living at Shimoni ...
KILIFI COUNTY: Millions of inhabitants along the Kenyan coastal strip might relocate elsewhere as climate change-induced sea level rise threatens to submerge islands, government officials warned ...
Since its inception, the BlueBiz Program has been a catalyst for economic transformation along Kenya’s coastal region by integrating ...
Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) on Tuesday launched a wildlife restocking initiative to introduce new species at a coastal biodiversity hotspot.
Under the Large-scale Seagrass Mapping and Management Initiative (LaSMMI), the seagrass mapping effort is now expanding to Kenya ... 9,500 km (5,900 mi) of coastline in the Western Indian Ocean.