As NASA prepares to define the next generation of Landsat earth observing systems, this project has been exploring requirements for these future systems. Topics studied include: Examples of a few of ...
A case in point is from NASA’s Landsat engagement team, Your Name In Landsat. Type in a text string, and it will spell it out in Earth features seen by the imaging satellites, that resemble letters.
As part of NASA's International Art and Poetry Contest, Thad McCauley's students got to work creating art that could be launched to the International Space Station. McCauley entered his drawing and ...
"The Fractured Look" is a 1977 film from the Environmental Series, part of the Landsat - Satellite for All Seasons Series, ...
For over half-a-century, the Nasa and US Geological Survey's Landsat program has documented changes to the Earth's surface, making it the longest continuous space-based record of our planet's land ...