Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
It’s fitting that this movie is being released now, just after the centenary of Kafka’s death was marked, and as an exhibit ...
Among the audience was a 26-year-old insurance salesman named Franz Kafka, who had been dragged there at the insistence of his friend Max Brod. Brod would later make an indelible mark on world ...
Kafka was uncertain. Kafka wrote in the evenings and at night: diaries, short stories and novels. His best friend, Max Brod, whom he had met while studying law, recognized Kafka's literary talent ...
diaries and reflections shed valuable light on Kafka's personality. "We have no literary surprises here," he said. But "without Max Brod we would not really know who Kafka is".
A beautiful wish, perhaps, if I had truly wished it. Somewhat like... The first biography of Franz Kafka was published in 1937 in Prague. It was written by his friend Max Brod and bore the ...
At twenty-seven, Franz Kafka was a successful young man, a doctor of law with a respectable profession and social recognition. He had a small but established circle of friends (he spent some ...