The desperate plight of the hostages is a bitterly vivid symbol of the way that so many lives – Jewish and non-Jewish – are ...
Guests at the 2024 Sacks Conversation in Jerusalem were given a rare glimpse into the personal archives of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, including correspondence with the UK’s King Charles and a ...
The Egyptians sought not merely to enslave, but also to put an end to, the people of Israel. One way of doing so was to kill all male children. Another was simply to interrupt normal family life.
Hebrew scholar and Jewish academic Irene Lancaster reflects on Purim and Jewish-Christian dialogue. Purim starts tonight and ...
The desperate plight of the hostages is a bitterly vivid symbol of the way that so many lives—Jewish and non-Jewish—are held hostage by a climate of terror,” said Rowan Williams.The ...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks of blessed memory spoke often and wrote a book about the dignity of difference. In it he asked the question, what is antisemitism? And with all due respect to all of the other ...
The Torah's juxtaposition of Amalek (seeking destruction) and Yitro (offering wisdom) teaches us that protection and ...
When we oppose the actions we see around us, we can't give in to the bullies and tyrants, we must offer alternatives and work to achieve them ...
That is cherut – Judaism’s great contribution to the idea and practice of liberty. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, a”h, was the chief rabbi of Great Britain and the author and editor of 40 books on Jewish ...
A close friend and colleague of Rabbi Sacks, Lord Williams spoke movingly about the late Chief Rabbi’s intellectual and moral legacy.
Said Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai: …The ear that heard on Mount Sinai: “For to Me are the children of Israel servants” and he, nevertheless, went ahead and acquired a master for himself ...