Join Marona and her Phantom friends on a mission to defeat the sinister Shipwreck Fleet when Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero ...
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero returns this feature but modernizes it by introducing facilities. When it comes to JRPGs, there's an embarrassment of riches. But here are some of the very best ...
The PC version of Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero will launch via Steam on April 24, publisher NIS America announced.
Set sail to save the day in this grid-less tactical turn-based challenge from the creators of the Disgaea series.
When comic book columnist Lee Falk set out to bring The Phantom to newspapers back in 1936, it wasn’t all about establishing ...
Use your hand-to-hand fighting skills and trusty weapons to dispatch this evil, and call in assistance from your stallion, Hero, and Devil the Wolf! The Phantom game features an original storyline ...