The types of fish and other creatures you can keep in your aquarium will vary greatly depending on whether you choose freshwater or saltwater. Freshwater aquariums are typically home to fish like ...
Fishkeeping has gained popularity as a calming and relatively low-maintenance hobby. Among the diverse choices, the Archer ...
For beginners, Jeffers recommends a 5-gallon freshwater tank, which can often hold one betta fish, for example. For someone ...
A community of rare fish enthusiasts collects endangered species of freshwater fish from lakes and springs around the world, ...
These freshwater fish will always start well as ... Before you put fish in your aquarium, know if it is an aggressive species. Make a point to separate the aggressive fish from the docile ones ...
In an Australian first, researchers have described a new species of 15-million-year-old fossilized freshwater fish, ...