The walrus was almost rendered extinct by the 1800s due to hunting, as the animal had a range of valued parts for humans. By the mid-20th century, walrus hunting was made illegal for most people. The ...
Archaeologists had assumed that walrus hunting by the Norse had happened only in southern Greenland, where they had settled. But in her 2024 thesis, Ruiz-Puerta studied the genetic fingerprints of ...
Today hunting is mostly restricted to Inuits ... The time may come when more troubles roil the walrus’s world: Poaching, overhunting, large-scale shipping, and oil exploration top the list.
Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
The impacts of climate change are more strongly felt here than anywhere else in the world. The walrus, one of the iconic Arctic species, was hunted for three centuries around Svalbard almost to ...