Baby whale sharks remain one of the biggest mysteries in marine science, but new research suggests their birthplaces may be ...
Over the course of their lives (which can last more than 100 years), whale sharks travel distances that can exceed the circumference of Earth.
When you think of giant sharks, the great white from the blockbuster Jaws is probably what springs to mind. But at a little over six metres long, this fictional man-eating monster is small fry when ...
This is true for all sharks, from the formidable great white to the gentle giant the whale shark. Shark skeletons don’t include ... Over time, this makes these body parts harder and stronger. While ...
As obligate ram ventilators, they must keep swimming to breathe, allowing only parts of their brain to rest at a time, likely entering a state akin to slow-wave sleep. Whale sharks have dermal ...
Whale sharks entangled in fishing nets off Thiruvananthapuram coast highlight lack of compensation for fishers, conservation ...