The frenetic speed at which they get nectar out of flowers and backyard ... formally known as Couette flow—which animals like dogs and cats use to drink, and Poiseuille flow, a suction-driven ...
Now, a team of researchers is challenging this view. They cite growing evidence that fruit- and nectar-eating animals likely consume ethanol (or ethyl alcohol) on a regular basis. Ethanol is ...
Hummingbirds are very fast animals. Their wings beat 80 times per ... Many people think hummingbirds only drink nectar from plants or hummingbird feeders, but these little birds are omnivores ...
Nature’s inventiveness knows no bounds. Consider the case of the nectar-drinking bat and the night-flowering vine whose lives intertwine in the lowland tropical forests of Central America.
When a speedy hummingbird arrives at a flower to drink nectar, mites run toward its beak ... In another experiment, the animals were placed in a glass “arena” that had negatively and ...