This week on the Hot Seat, Oklahoma lawmakers are sounding the alarm on vaccine hesitancy amid a surge in measles cases ...
Knapsack: Why Gillfish can’t vote for Donald Trump There are also two opportunities to weigh in on village governance, with charter amendments needing your approval, or not happening if you do not.
This week on Your Vote Counts, our political analysts cover the topics of vaccination, Medicaid cuts, the Glossip case and fair trials, and the race for Superintendent of the Oklahoma Department ...
Now just two weeks out from Election Day, it’s time to start putting together a plan to vote Tuesday, Nov. 5. Pennsylvanians hoping to cast a ballot this year have plenty of options at their ...
Your vote counts and is a right that those before us have protected with strong leadership. We, the citizens of Rutland City, are special and show that through the compassion we offer to one another.
The Web Script /service/components/article/2019/06/your-vote-counts-how-the-leadership-now-project-wants-to-get-your-skin-in-the-game has responded with a status of ...
As the country prepares to vote in the general election, Count Binface writes about why he may be a spoof candidate but he highlights a serious issue – that anybody (even an intergalactic space ...
the county clerk or registrar of voters must test the voting machines to make sure the equipment will correctly count the votes cast for all offices and ballot questions, according to Nevada law.
Political hacks and pollsters alike are gearing up for Saturday’s State election. And while they’ve got the voting know-how ...