Nominations are now open for local honourees to be inducted into the International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame. The hall of ...
Kittiwake Shipwreck & Artificial Reef is reachable through dive operators, such as Ocean Frontiers, Cayman Turtle Divers and Ambassador Divers, among others. Most tour operators depart from Seven ...
This year’s inductees include Simone Melchior-Cousteau (France) and Women Divers Hall of Fame (USA) as Early Pioneers; ...
“From dramatic wall dives, wrecks and shallow reefs, to sinkholes and rubble patches, the three-island destination consisting of Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, has an ideal dive ...
Grand Cayman is the largest of the three Cayman Islands, and it's known for two activities: banking and scuba diving. Home to the capital city, George Town, Grand Cayman is the commercial and ...
Dr Tom Goreau (Photo credit: Nick Fetty/The New York Academy of Sciences) (CNS): Renowned marine scientist and coral reef expert Dr Tom Goreau will be visiting the Cayman Islands this month to ...