A Sex Survey? Shocking! We know. But this is old news. Felix began with the annual Sex Survey in 2011 and since then a few ...
Every couple has their meet-cute story. May it be at the bar, or at a party, or because you both sat down next to each other ...
To shave, or not to shave? That may be the question that many of us ask. Or, what is it that people find attractive? In this ...
85% of Imperial is cisgender and 3.9% of our respondents are transgender. Females and males are 92% and 91% cisgender ...
The Weeknd scores the top spot on our list for the third time. 9% of respondents listen to podcasts about sex and ...
Condoms are 98% effective in preventing pregnancy and the only contraceptions listed to protect from sexually transmitted ...
Do you watch porn? 75% of Imperial men watch porn. That's compared to 42% of females and 56% of non-binary people at Imperial ...
Activist group passed motion calling for 50% of all food offered on campus to become plant-based.
The continued extraction of fossil fuels poses an immediate, existential threat to modern societies. There is an urgent need to change courses and syllabuses, to cut ties with fossil fuel companies, ...
Russia’s brutal and unjustified invasion on Ukrainian soil enters its fourth year. This grim anniversary concludes a year ...
The gothic, the unknown, and why you should want to get freaky with Count Orlok ...
Travel writer Dan discusses the pros and cons of Heathrow’s third runway, recently confirmed for construction by the Labour ...