Remi the pit bull had a designation for being dangerous, but he was not nearly as big a threat as the man who killed him.
Unsafe passages
WRETCHED social conditions add an extra layer of cruelty to ordinary lives. The UN’s migration agency says ...
Animal abuse is happening all over Connecticut on streets, at facilities and in homes. State data shows a significant ...
In a hearing in the assembly on Wednesday, more details have come out regarding Assembly Bill 381, more commonly known as Reba's law.
Arizona's Senate passed SB 1234, a bill that aims to crackdown on animal cruelty, on March 17. If the bill becomes law, it'll ...
A dead cow was found submerged in mud on a farm that had “the worst standards ever seen” by one Council officer.
The Senate Committee on Criminal Justice favored a bill 8-0 on Tuesday that would make it a third-degree felony for adults to entice a minor to commit, or in a ...
Investigators say Rita Cox wasn't allowed to have animals as part of her release in an ongoing case from 2022. Deputies say they found 18 dogs this week.
William John Kucharski Jr. was sentenced to 63 days in jail for cruelty to an animal after initially ... the right thing to do is to dismiss the charges and add the appropriate charge," Lucido ...
New charges filed against the original teacher Kendasja Hughley and another employee accused them of felony child cruelty.
New charges filed against the original teacher Kendasja Hughley and another employee accused them of denying children food.
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A woman drowned her dog in a Florida airport bathroom and then boarded her international flight after ...