Buddhism teaches that suffering arises from attachment to desires, outcomes, and material possessions. Gratitude shifts your ...
Buddhism teaches that suffering arises from attachment to desires, outcomes, and material possessions. Gratitude shifts your ...
The Buddha never distinguished between pain and suffering. The word he used, dukkha, is a Pali word that is best thought of as meaning unsatisfactoriness. This was his first noble truth and not ...
And this—this endless stream of small irritations, of tiny pebbles in your shoes—this is dukkha. On Fifty Words for Snow, the podcast I co-host with Emily John Garcés, we explore words that ...
home. One of Lynn’s favourite must-make recipes is Butternut Squash Scallopini with Apples, Sage and Hazelnut Dukkha. Scroll down to see more of their delicious garden-fresh recipes!