As Zeldin's EPA announced reconsideration of these standards, it released a statement saying, the regulations imposed, "$700 ...
State officials say they’ll fight for environment “with or without the federal government,” but critics are skeptical.
They’re trying to undermine the foundations for doing any kind of regulation,” said an environmental law expert.
For decades, Republican lawmakers and industry lobbyists have tried to chip away at the small program in the Environmental ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to visit Hungary in the coming weeks despite an International Criminal Court ...
Talking with Lars always brings me back to my days at the FDA, particularly regarding the tangled mess of biotechnology ...
Professor Nana Ama Browne Klutse, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), says restoring a ...
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air quality monitors are disproportionally located in predominately white neighborhoods, according to University of Utah research. The EPA's network ...
Some worry a U.S. Supreme Court decision could make Charleston's local waterbodies more vulnerable to fecal contamination, a ...
Mercedes is also bucking the traditional method of introducing a new platform as an ICE vehicle and then wedging the design ...