As Zeldin's EPA announced reconsideration of these standards, it released a statement saying, the regulations imposed, "$700 ...
Some of the products included wood bleach, car wax, printing ink, soap, and laundry and dishwashing products. New report ...
The Environmental Protection Agency didn't provide details about what it wants to do with the regulations — whether it will ...
Major businesses are among those asking the EPA to keep programs that help companies make safer chemical products off the ...
Since 2022, the USDA reports more than 150 million chickens and turkeys have been lost to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza ...
Officials who led the EPA under three past presidents said the current administration is threatening both environmental protection and economic growth.
The EPA is rolling back environmental protections for clean water, and tech companies are looking to fill the space with ...
Signaling renewed interest in a longstanding area of tension between federal and California labeling requirements for ...