Pawnee City’s newest draw is $50,000 in down payment assistance for people moving to the community. The program aims to make ...
Would the offer of a $50,000 down payment on a brand new home be enough to lure you to a small town in Nebraska?
According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the city that serves the best food in Nebraska is Omaha. Here's what LoveFood had ...
The Nebraska State Patrol said investigators got information from South Dakota law enforcement leading to the investigation.
BUT THE SNOW IS KIND OF PACKED ON TO THE ROADS RIGHT NOW. WE’LL CHECK BACK IN IN A LITTLE BIT, B The city of Blair's snow emergency went into effect immediately, and it will expire on Sunday at ...
A David City man was arrested Thursday after a child sexual assault investigation, the Nebraska State Patrol says.
Nebraska City officials are exploring the best ways to offer up land for an aquaculture expansion on the north end of town.