France has a special place to celebrate the March 19 feast of St. Joseph -- the Shrine of Our Lady of Graces in Cotignac, in the picturesque region of Provence.
St. Joseph, you embody all the virtues I hope to attain through God’s grace. I rely on your intercession and your guidance as ...
If you're going through a tough time, don't hesitate to reach out to Saint Joseph. He can help you regain peace and restore ...
On the calm waters of Lough Derg in Ireland, the small Station Island is home to one of the toughest pilgrimages in the world ...
Oh glorious patriarc St. Joseph, who merited to be called "just' by the Holy Ghost, I urgently recommend to the soul of [Name], which Jesus redeemed at the price of his precious blood. Thou ...
Every March 19th, the Catholic Church celebrates St. Joseph, a key figure in the origins of the faith, dedicating a special ...
Marking Saint Patrick’s Day the bishops of Ireland encouraged the faithful to pray for peace in the world, especially in Gaza ...
O Virgin most pure, wholly unspotted, O Mary, Mother of God, Queen of the universe, you are above all saints, the hope of the elect and the joy of all the blessed. It is you who have reconciled us ...
Hundreds of pilgrims from the United States gathered for Mass at the majestic Altar of the Chair in St. Peter's Basilica with ...
“St. Joseph is an incredibly powerful intercessor,” Cassandre Verhelst, who supervises the English-language edition of Hozana ...
“For me, it represents our legacy, it represents the ability, even in the most difficult situations, to come together as a unit and make something work.” ...