Ryan Holiday, a former marketer and journalist ... It’s not hard to see the appeal. As a philosophy, Stoicism favors real-world action over Wittgensteinian woolgathering. It delivers its ...
Earlier this month, the author Ryan Holiday released his sixteenth ... It is, like most of Holiday’s books, about Stoicism, the ancient philosophy whose bible is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius ...
Stoics would say that there is no “good ... There’s no problem so bad that some good can’t come out of it Ryan Holiday If we apply objective thinking to the current situation, for example ...
Ryan Holiday is the author of "The Obstacle ... Some of the world's most successful people use lessons from the ancient Stoic philosophy used by the "philosopher king" Marcus Aurelius.
Socrates, the Cynics and Plato's Academy, yet the core beliefs are just as fresh and valid as they were over 2000 years ago.
Modern Stoics like entrepreneur Tim Ferriss and author Ryan Holiday have popularized the philosophy, proving its relevance in contemporary life. From managing stress to fostering resilience ...