Whiskas is on a mission to convert ‘cat haters’ into ‘cat lovers’, via a program and partnership with Essencemediacom, Chep Network and AMV BBDO. The announcement: WHISKAS®, a trusted ...
KM Gunung Dempo akan sandar pada Kamis, 27 Maret 2025, pukul 14.00 WIT di Pelabuhan Nabire, Papua Tengah. Simak jadwal kapal Pelni rute Kumai ke Semarang terbaru April 2025. Cek juga pilihan kapal ...
PAPUA New Guinea’s oldest daily newspaper, the Post-Courier, has been referred to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee by Speaker Job Pomat following concerns over its front-page headline and online ...
KOMPAS.com - Teater tradisional adalah teater yang berkembang dikalangan rakyat sebagai lawan dari teater modern dan konteporer. Arti teater secara etimologi adalah gedung pertunjukan atau auditorium.
A man accused of the brutal rape and murder of his wife at Murray Barracks on February 8th, 2025, has been arrested.