The Houston Rockets have a decision to make soon in regards to power forward Tari Eason. The third-year pro has his contract set to expire after the 2025-26 season, which means an extension could ...
JAYAPURA, - Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) memutuskan agar menggelar pemungutan suara ulang (PSU) dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Provinsi Papua. Ini merupakan putusan sidang perselisihan hasil ...
Seorang sekuriti SMA di Sleman berinisial AP ditangkap karena terlibat dalam jaringan penyuplai senjata untuk kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) di Papua. Polisi menyita empat pucuk senjata ...
A Litchfield woman was cited for violating New Hampshire’s “Move Over Law” after a State Police cruiser was struck during a traffic stop on Interstate 93 in Londonderry on Monday. State ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly ruled out a temporary break in hostilities, saying it would only benefit Ukraine and its Western allies by letting them replenish their arsenals. He ...
The Healey administration hopes to save residents billions of dollars in energy costs over the next five years by pulling a host of executive-branch levers, including redirection of some clean ...
Provinsi Papua Tengah. Sidang putusan berlangsung di ruang Sidang Pleno Gedung I Mahkamah Konstitusi, Jakarta, Senin (24/2/2025). Gugatan dengan nomor perkara PHPU272/PHPU.Bup-XXIII/2025 tersebut ...
LOKASI PENEMUAN JASAD IBU DAN ANAK - Inilah rumah di Gang Indah 1, Angke, Tambora, Jakarta Barat yang jadi lokasi ditemukannya jasad ibu dan anak di dalam toren air. Rupanya penampungan air di rumah ...
Whiskas is on a mission to convert ‘cat haters’ into ‘cat lovers’, via a program and partnership with Essencemediacom, Chep Network and AMV BBDO. The announcement: WHISKAS®, a trusted ...
Junior Professional Officers (JPOs) are young professionals who are interested in the UN and humanitarian work, who prove able to contribute to UNHCR’s future and its work on behalf of refugees, ...
A huge sinkhole that forced residents in Surrey out of their homes could take as long as a year to fix, the council has warned. Residents from 30 properties were evacuated after a sinkhole appeared on ...
In December, the office confirmed it would disestablish 49 roles, 28 of which were already vacant. As a result, Te Arawhiti will now be known as Te Tari Whakatau, the Office of Treaty Settlements and ...