Against long odds, Sweetwater’s public hospital recruited counselors to help address a wave of mental health crises in rural ...
A Washington, D.C., man was sentenced to 22 years in prison for robbing four cell phone stores. His spree is the latest in ...
President Trump has warned that deportees are among the most dangerous in the world, but their biggest crime may be having ...
Trump’s drive to use the military in support of mass deportation efforts has also raised legal questions. Defense officials ...
Shoah, Stop Making Sense, and Bowling for Columbine are among the best and most essential documentary movies ever made.
To understand how conservatives endorse the Trump administration’s actions, we must address a particular strategy that the right-wing uses to justify their attacks against minority groups. This tactic ...
A sex crime accusation is a daunting and overwhelming journey. The impact of a conviction is deep; it hardly ends with prison or a fine; ...
During the prisons-building boom three decades ago, lawmakers allowed private, for-profit corporations to compete for prisons ...
Injustice sat down with Kwaneta Harris, an incarcerated writer housed at the Lane Murray Unit, the largest women’s prison in ...
Two-thirds of the state’s roughly 100 jails and prisons in Texas are not fully air conditioned in inmate housing areas.
Employees from at least one Texas prison falsified temperature logs that help the agency decide when the conditions inside ...
The investigation is tied to a federal lawsuit filed by Bernie Tiede, a Texas man spending life in prison who has reported ...