Mercedes Falk is the president of the Wisconsin-based organization Puentes/Bridges, which leads the trips. Cole Hoscheit is a ...
The stock market fell yesterday as investors worry that Trump's tariffs will slow the economy and possibly lead the U.S. into ...
A full-on trade war could be particularly painful in Wisconsin given its economy's close ties with Canada and the fact that ...
Tariffs aim to insulate certain sectors from foreign competition. But evidence shows they often end up losing U.S. jobs.
While the report has no specific conclusions about what trade disputes would mean, the report says the impact would be ...
MILWAUKEE - A fugitive accused of smuggling guns from Wisconsin and other states to a Mexican cartel has been arrested after ...
Wisconsin Public Radio Several of Wisconsin’s top industries are figuring out how to adapt to new costs and uncertain futures ...
Wisconsin Examiner editor Ruth Conniff joined them. Her series, Midwest Mexico, looks at the bond between rural people in the two countries. “Yes, it has put the brakes on things a bit, I know people ...
a small city in rural southern Mexico, squeezing into the front with several friends and relatives from Wisconsin and Minnesota. In the back of the truck, six more people crowded onto benches ...
Wisconsin Examiner editor Ruth Conniff joined them. Her series, Midwest Mexico, looks at the bond between rural people in the two countries. At the end of January, the 21-year-old finally returned.