Today, we’re rolling out a new School Partnership Program, starting with a pilot open to all US middle and high schools.
Today, we’re announcing the results of our Social Capital research partnership in the United Kingdom. In collaboration with ...
Metaが提供するオープンソースAIモデルLlamaのダウンロード数が10億回に到達しました。AIをオープンソースで公開することは、世界中の人々がAIの恩恵を受けられるようにするために極めて ...
Today, we’re introducing new controls that help you show up as yourself on Threads, including updates to tagged topics, ...
Meta invests a huge amount of effort and resources to help protect elections online. As Canada’s federal election approaches, ...
It’s About Time  At Meta, we believe that being at the forefront of innovation means being able to move quickly to adopt new ...