It’s About Time  At Meta, we believe that being at the forefront of innovation means being able to move quickly to adopt new ...
Meta invests a huge amount of effort and resources to help protect elections online. As Canada’s federal election approaches, ...
Today, we’re introducing new controls that help you show up as yourself on Threads, including updates to tagged topics, follower-only replies and more. New analysis shows that posts that include a ...
We believe open sourcing AI models is essential to ensuring people everywhere have access to the benefits of AI, and every ...
We will shortly begin testing Community Notes across Facebook, Instagram and Threads in the United States. We expect ...
A partir de esta semana, Meta AI comenzará a implementarse en 41 países europeos, incluidos tanto la Unión Europea, como otros 21 territorios europeos, lo que marcará la mayor expansión global de Meta ...
À partir de cette semaine, Meta AI sera déployé dans 41 pays européens, y compris ceux de l’Union européenne, ainsi que dans 21 territoires d’outre-mer européens, marquant ainsi la plus grande ...