The debate had been “important and touching”, Baroness Merron (Labour) said on behalf of the Government. She offered the ...
A RARE copy of the first complete Bible in Chinese, which had been donated to an Oxfam bookshop, has sold for more than ...
THE Government has said again that 94 per cent of claims on building projects under its Listed Places of Worship Grant (LPWG) ...
THE Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines, has announced that he is to retire on 30 November. In an ad clerum on Monday morning, Bishop Baines, who is 67, said that serving as the first Bishop of ...
ALTERNATIVES to diocesan chrism eucharists are being organised this year in conjunction with the Church of England ...
THE next Area Bishop of Wakefield in the diocese of Leeds is to be the Ven. Malcolm Chamberlain, Archdeacon of Sheffield and ...
THE Church Commissioners ’ control over dioceses has been criticised by the Bishop of Rochester, Dr Jonathan Gibbs, who has ...
CELEBRITY supporters of the anti-poverty charity Trussell have expressed opposition to the Government’s proposed benefit reforms (Leader comment, 21 March). Sir Stephen Fry, the actors Stanley Tucci ...
The shelter at St Christopher’s has housed more than 1700 people in the years it has operated, but no migrants since December ...
NO LAW to allow assisted dying can safeguard against the danger that people seek to die because they feel like a burden on ...
CLERGY in Nicaragua are being forced to report to the police weekly, and to seek approval for the content of their services, ...
MORE than 100 Anglican churches and cathedrals are engaged in building projects that will exceed the £25,000 cap on the ...