Remastered and more join "Stream Your Own Game" on Xbox Cloud Gaming, while a new feature make it easier to swap between some ...
Maybe you're even looking for a little adventure while diving further into Game of Thrones' rich lore. In Game of Thrones: ...
This week on Beyond Jada Griffin is back in the host chair along with Akeem and Brian for one of our longest episodes in a ...
Hidetaka Miyazaki's Bloodborne is officially a decade old, yet Sony remains silent on its future, and will probably keep ...
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 finally has a release month, but one that falls outside the previously announced ...
As a former teenage goth and Anne Rice fanatic (dog collar, black nail polish, absurd prosthetic vampire fangs) who still ...
The Tuesday letters page doesn’t think the God Of War series has many stories left to tell, as one reader wonders when Final ...
Bloodborne is a surprisingly successful game for Sony, ranking as the tenth most successful game that the company has ever ...
The latest sales data tells us that all 100 of the Switch’s best-selling games have surpassed one million sales, and ...
Bloodborne’s tenth anniversary doesn’t have to be more disappointment. Here’s why a remaster and so much more could still be ...
PS5, PS4 players are coming together to celebrate Bloodborne‘s 10th anniversary amid complete silence from Sony about the ...
Bloodborne turns 10 years old today, and fans are celebrating by organizing yet another return to Yharnam community event.