Our days in Shushan have ended for this year, yet there is a way of staying here a bit longer because Purim is in the month of Adar. Our rabbis stated: “ Mi-shenikhnas Adar marbim b’simcha; when Adar ...
According to Rav Hutner, who is teaching a big Chiddush (novel interpretation ... they were enabled by Heaven (G-d) to to learn Torah in Bnei Brak for the sake of correcting them. Rabbi Stolper adds a ...
As a high schooler at YULA and a student at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, Levy knew she wanted to work in a ...
What Does Purim Teach Us About Today’s Wars With Our Enemies? Can We Compare Hamas to Haman and Iran to Persia? What Lessons Can We Learn From Tes Adar – 85 Years Later? Why Was It So Important That ...
Our Sages teach that one of the main reasons ... Ahavah, 9). While Rabbi Kook’s love for the Jewish People knew no bounds, one should not think that he was the same as a liberal, reform rabbi ...
A small-town rabbi tells a panel about a big antisemitism problem that the Berkshires hasn't escaped. She'd like help from educators and the state.