Thomas Frank published an insightful book titled What’s the Matter With Kansas? that documented how the working class abandoned its class interests to wage culture war. The proletarians embraced what ...
even substantial ideological shifts toward the center yield remarkably modest electoral benefits. Specifically, if a ...
Ja poden canviar El Búnquer d'hora d'emissió, ja poden moure'l del vespre als migdies, que el que no canvia, el que roman ...
La cantant, actriu i ballarina gironina publica «Trencant tòpics», un disc dividit en set capítols, que presentarà en directe ...
Pasapalabra viu un nou capítol ple d'alegria i tensió. Manu, un dels concursants més destacats del moment, ha confirmat una ...
Haytham Michael Bonica was born Feb. 6, 2025, at MaineHealth Memorial Hospital in North Conway, N.H. He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces.
The Library of Congress image, taken in Detroit in March 1973, shows the late civil rights leader Rosa Parks engaged in the holistic practice of yoga, lying on her stomach and pulling her feet ...
Michael Timothy Bonica, 44, of Tecumseh was arraigned on two counts of aggravated possession of child sexually abusive material, one count of using computers to commit a crime with a maximum ...
La immensa majoria dels conductors a Espanya que acudeixen als concessionaris de Toyota ho fan tenint com un dels seus principals arguments de compra el fet d'aconseguir un cotxe que compti amb un ...
Marshall Rose, Candice Bergen's husband of more than 20 years, has died after a battle with Parkinson's disease. He was 88. The news was confirmed in a New York Times obi t uary, which said Rose ...
The search for Mrs. Grant Ellis is on, and Rose Sombke is officially out of the running after her self-elimination from The Bachelor. The Chicago-based registered nurse prematurely left the show ...