Supaya acara buka bersama tambah spesial, kamu bisa merayakan momen bukber itu dengan berbagai kegiatan seru. Acara buka bersama (bukber) dimeriahkan dengan berbagai acara-acara seru, seperti games, ...
5 Contoh Susunan Acara Buka Bersama yang Seru (Foto: Sindonews) JAKARTA, - Contoh susunan acara buka bersama yang seru selalu menjadi momen yang ditunggu-tunggu, bukan hanya karena ibadah ...
PENGUKUHAN TP PKK – Gubernur Aceh, Muzakir Manaf foto bersama usai mengukuhkan Ny Marlina Muzakir beserta jajarannya sebagai Ketua dan pengurus TP PKK Aceh masa bakti tahun 2025-2030, di Anjong Mon ...
Abdullah Ocalan, leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) – designated a terrorist organization by Turkey and its Western allies – has called on the group to lay down arms and dissolve. His ...
Heightened terrorist activity by Kurdish separatists is also a growing concern for the United States— and its allies—which designated the PKK a foreign terrorist organization in 1997.
Ocalan last week called on his outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to lay down its arms and dissolve, and the militant group declared an immediate ceasefire on Saturday. "The Turkish Armed ...
Turkey Continues Operations on PKK in Iraq, Syria Despite Ocalan Call ANKARA (Reuters) -Turkey's armed forces have killed 26 Kurdish militants in Iraq and Syria in the week since jailed militant ...
Ocalan last week called on his outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to lay down its arms and dissolve, and the militant group declared an immediate ceasefire on Saturday. “The Turkish Armed Forces ...
Outlawed Kurdish militants on Saturday declared a ceasefire with Turkey following a landmark call by jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan asking the group to disband and end more than four decades of ...
The announcement by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, comes against the backdrop of fundamental changes in the region, including the reconfiguration of power in neighboring Syria after the ...
The outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant group declared an immediate ceasefire on Saturday, a news agency close to it said, heeding jailed leader Abdullah Ocalan's disarmament call ...