On Friday, the Carolina Hurricanes made a blockbuster move, sending center Martin Nečas to the Colorado Avalanche. After details of the trade started leaking, a report from Rick Dhaliwal of "Donnie ...
Flames naňho už nedokázali výraznejšie zareagovať. Avalanche tak pridali tretiu výhru z posledných štyroch duelov a Nečas si ...
Ryan Donato pomohol dvoma gólmi a dvoma asistenciami Chicagu k výhre nad Nashvillom 6:2, Predators natiahli sériu prehier už ...
V noci na piatok dvomi gólmi a prihrávkou riadil výhru Colorado Avalanche na ľade Calgary Flames. O 24 hodín neskôr bol Martin Nečas znova v hlavnej úlohe, tentoraz víťazným gólom rozhodol o triumfe ...
Across 411 games with the Hurricanes, Necas had 113 goals and 298 points. He led the team in scoring in 2022-23 and was on pace to do it again this year. His skillset was even more impressive to watch ...
Svoj prvý gól po výmene z Caroliny strelil český útočník Martin Nečas. Hokejisti Dallasu Stars si v zámorskej NHL pripísali štvrté víťazstvo za sebou. V noci na sobotu vyhrali doma nad Vancouverom 5:3 ...
On Friday, the Carolina Hurricanes made a blockbuster move, sending center Martin Nečas to the Colorado Avalanche. After details of the trade started leaking, a report from Rick Dhaliwal of ...
This is not the first time that the Canucks and Hurricanes have discussed a potential trade involving Nečas. Last season, reports indicated that the two teams were discussing a trade where ...