Voices of the Court mod has tremendously improved my roleplay …
Oct 18, 2024 · I rule the Byzantine Empire. Kingdom of Bulgaria was my powerful ally, but then it's ruler died, and was replaced by a pagan one. Soon after, the Kingdom fragmented. Most of the former vassals became independent, and were pagans. One of the breakaway vassals was a Orthodox Duke, who wanted to become my vassal. Great!
Problems with current Bulgaria in CK3 - Paradox Interactive Forums
CK3 Bulgaria in 867 inherited the faulty cut down map from CK2. Plovdiv (Philippopolis) was inside Bulgaria for a century at that Point and Beroe province (Zagore province) was inside BG borders since ca 700 AD. The Rhodope mountains provinces (Rhodope and Zherkovo) were also inside the borders, as was Philippi at the Aegean coast.
Bulgaria strategy - Paradox Interactive Forums
Oct 16, 2020 · bulgaria has been massively buffed, allowing it by mid game to field very well equipped tank divisions to assist Barbarossa or act as d-day defence. primarily, you want to put all your early focuses into civilian/ industry, ignoring foreign investors and …
1.33 Byzantium Strategy (Guide) | Paradox Interactive Forums
Feb 6, 2022 · I also recommend releasing Bulgaria and enacting "strong duchies" and then breaking your alliance with The Knights to get under your relations limit. Alternatively, if the war drags past 1454, you can enact strong duchies and then immediately integrate Athens (be sure to improve relations with them during the war).
BftB Greece- How is the Byzantine path supposed to actually work?
Jan 17, 2022 · 2. Conquer Bulgaria - You can puppet them, if You want. 3. Delay Your focus a little bit - for ensure, that You declare war on Turkey just after guarantees disapear. How to defeat Turkey easy - You will see in some videos 4. If You want Romania for Yoursefl, You can justify on Yugoslavia just after WWII kicks off.
As Germany : How do i deal with Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria
Jul 21, 2016 · Bulgaria is the easyest cuz the Italians influence them via focus. If you conquer them that meens mapower loss for you and you you will have to station troops ther to quel with the partisans. If you manage to get them in the Axis they will supply troops (crappy troops) but ther still troops plus dont forget thry will trade with you for resorces ...
Bulgaria "Balkan Problem Solved" and "Prussia of the Balkans ...
Mar 21, 2021 · The strategy is mostly idiot-proof, and unlike many Bulgaria guides, has a minimal reliance on RNG events. The basic strategy is to leverage the speed of the Democratic Principles branch. Bulgaria can get Romania, Greece, and Yugoslavia into their faction peacefully with Balkan Confederation decisions, without having to rely on RNG from spy ...
How to deal with Bulgaria's Fatherland Front if you don't own …
Nov 9, 2020 · Currently in a game with Bulgaria where I have flipped fascist and am a prominent member of the Axis when in 1941 I got a Fatherland Front event and hence national spirit giving me +0.2 daily communism support and -0.3% weekly stability. As I currently don't own the Battle for the Bosporus DLC I don't see how I can combat this.
Skirmishes against the IMRO not going away?
Nov 27, 2020 · I started a new save as Communist Bulgaria yesterday, and after taking all the decisions to destroy the IMRO, I can't seem to rid of the "Skirmishes Against the IMRO" modifier on several core states. It's been more than a year in game since I...
How does Hungarian migration work for Mogyër vassals?
Mar 29, 2021 · I chose the historical (An AI character will use the Prepare to Cross the Carpathians decision between the years 890 and 910 if the player doesn't do it before) rather than the default immediate (The Mogyër Confederation starts having used the Prepare to Cross the Carpathians decision and in a war against the Kingdom of Bulgaria using the ...