Memories Of Magnolia Park - Page 3 - Historic Houston - HAIF …
Dec 28, 2007 · Sometime after her father's death, and as a young lady, Nena moved to Houston, where she met my great-grandfather, Francis E. Stanaker, whose family traces back to the Northern United States. They married in 1910, and settled in Magnolia Park (Central Park). In 1911, their only son was born.
Texas Central Project - Page 85 - Transit - HAIF The Houston ...
Oct 24, 2011 · The NCTCOG is proposing a line from Dallas to Fort Worth that would connect with Texas Central's Dallas station, were one to be built. The route study that drew this discussion was initiated in 2020. The last presented Texas Central design calls for an elevated Dallas station.
Charles Milby Park At 2001 Central St. - Houston Architecture
Jun 11, 2005 · Milby Park gained some notoriety in 1953 when a woman walking to church was gang raped at the park. Seventeen-year-old Rudy Ramos Esquivel was put on trial for the crime, which was a capital offense at the time.
Galleria's Lack Of Green Space - Houston Architecture
Jun 4, 2018 · After McNair announcing his project today, it got me wondering. With sites available for redevelopment in the Galleria area disappearing at a relatively rapid pace, does the City need to purchase a site to develop a signature park a la Discovery Green or Central Park? Does the area need one in ya...
NRG Park Mixed-Use Development - Page 24 - Going Up! - HAIF …
Aug 30, 2004 · Gee, if only we could have structure somewhere near the middle of NRG Park that could provide a covered central gathering area, and maybe some additional meeting space and an arena . . . and now I'm really dreaming . . . maybe even have a translucent roof so that it …
Hanover Autry Park: Mixed-Use At Allen Parkway & W. Dallas St.
Apr 17, 2007 · The Houston City Council recently approved a deal to sell about 4.54 acres at 3540 W. Dallas St. to the apartment developer. The property is south of Buffalo Bayou near the small Autry Park and South Shepherd Drive.
Downtown Houston 2036 Master Plan - Downtown - Houston …
Oct 18, 2004 · The new central park would entail over $35 million in private contributions, according to the mayor's office. "Great cities preserve land for public plazas, parks and gathering places for the future," said White.
Center Pavilion Hospital/Park Towers Apartments At 1700 …
Feb 6, 2015 · The Center Pavilion Hospital located at 1700 Holcombe Blvd. Here is the other side of that postcard picture. It was the Park Towers Apartments at one time. Here is the front and back of a Park Towers Apartments postcard.
Post Oak Central Campus Redevelopment At 1990 Post Oak Blvd.
Oct 23, 2007 · The oil and gas exploration and production company signed a new lease this month for 132,000 square feet, which was rolled into a lease renewal for its existing 365,000 square feet, bringing its total square footage to 497,000 at the Post Oak Central office complex.
Playland Park At 9200 South Main St. - Houston Architecture
Dec 14, 2005 · ^^^ Landa Park is very old but it's just a large city park, not an amusement park. Does have a miniature train though. The park at Main & Kirby was Kiddie Wonderland, not Kiddieland. There's a similar but even older park of the same type still operating in San Antonio, Kiddie Park. It's on Broadway at Mulberry on the southeast edge of ...