Duke Energy fees : r/cincinnati - Reddit
Jun 23, 2023 · All power companies just raised rates. If you haven’t already, you can get your power supplied by another provider for $.06-.08/kWH (instead of Duke’s $.11ish/kWH). It’s still delivered through Duke’s lines but is generated by another company. The process is relatively seamless and you still pay the bill the same way.
Duke Energy-Clean Energy Connection? : r/orlando - Reddit
Apr 10, 2023 · This in turn has allowed me to substantially reduce our energy costs. What an amazing future it will be as we phase out fossil fuel burning (but not completely because we’re subsidized for that too) and increase our energy mix in favor of solar. The profits are projected to be astronomical and our shareholders are thrilled … but also, Fuck You.
Dispute a bill with Duke Energy : r/raleigh - Reddit
Jun 25, 2022 · I believe Duke will do an energy audit for you if you ask the right questions. May be worth asking your landlord/rental company to look into it as well. Make sure nothing has been added to your meter (like a new tenant got cut on this month and they hooked it to the wrong meter, so you’re suddenly getting readings for 2 apartments).
Duke Energy: Retail Energy Rider? : r/cincinnati - Reddit
Jul 23, 2022 · Service Delivery is always handled by Duke and represents the costs to deliver the energy to your house. Power lines and such. My bill with and without a Choice Supplier is the same. "Distribution-Customer Charge" (has been $8/month in recent history) "Distribution-Energy Charge" (mine has recently been $0.039693 per kWh)
$200 deposit required for Duke Energy? : r/triangle - Reddit
Mar 26, 2015 · I currently live in Fuquay and have been a Progress Energy customer (in good standing) since 2008. I am moving to Durham next week, which is a Duke Energy market. I am being told there is a $200 deposit for all new customers, regardless of credit.
Surge Protection provided by the electric company? $7.99 a
Hey everyone, just moved into my home and got notice from Duke Energy that the previous owners paid for a service that has surge equipment installed at the meter to block surges before they enter the home. I can either continue to pay for this service or have the surge device removed and not pay the $7.99 a month..
Duke energy setup issue : r/Purdue - Reddit
Aug 15, 2022 · I'm moving into Campus Edge later this week and my roommate and I are trying to set up Duke Energy for electricity. Once we input the address, we both keep getting a "We can't match the address to active meters or Duke Energy service access".
Did anyone else receive a Duke energy statement with months of …
Apr 25, 2023 · My excess solar power gets bought back by Duke at the same cost rate that they charge to deliver power. That is a great deal for a homeowner and a lousy one for Duke - they have to pay you far more for your electricity than it costs them to generate electricity for other customers. If there is anyone getting robbed here, it is Duke.
DUKE energy nuclear : r/nuclear - Reddit
I work for Duke Energy at one of the nuclear plants. I’m a technician and a CAD designer. It’s definitely a lot of behavioral questions. It wasn’t a hard interview in my opinion though. I also had a lot of experience before applying for my job, and …
1st bill after solar installation - Duke Energy Progress, NC
This is spot-on and shows what to expect with solar energy in North Carolina. Duke will charge a basic customer charge, energy charge, storm recovery, and renewable energy riders. Please take note of the policy below so you are not surprised like I was in your first year. I gave Duke so much free power because I didn’t know.