Google Account Linking with third-party apps & services
Google Account Linking gives Google some access to certain features to your account on a third-party app or service. Third parties are companies or developers that aren’t Google. For example, you may link your account on a streaming music service to your Google Account, then ask Google Assistant to play a song or resume a podcast.
Manage connections between your Google Account and third …
For example, you might link a music streaming service with your Google Account so you can ask the Google Assistant to play a song from that music streaming service. Review & manage these connections. Important: If you delete this connection, Google loses access to your third-party app or service account. You won’t have access to features that ...
Get Gmail features for your other email accounts
After you link your account, you can find your messages in your Gmail inbox, plus these features: Spam protection; Better mail notifications on mobile; Automatic email sorting based on type (Social, Updates, Promotions) Faster search, with advanced search operators; Important: If you link another account to an existing Gmail account, you might ...
Manage parental controls - Google Account Help
Once you've added supervision to your child's Google Account, you can: Manage account settings; Set app and screen time limits; Check location of supervised devices; Set content restrictions and parental controls for Google Chrome, YouTube, Search & Play, and other services; Manage parental controls
Sign in to your Google Account with another email address
The notification can be about the creation of a new account, a password change, or contain a password-reset link for their account. If you happen to get one of these emails: Your account is safe. You can remove your email from this other person’s account. Click the link in the email and let Google know that you didn’t create this Google ...
Add another email account on your computer - Gmail Help
In the "Check mail from other accounts" section, click Add a mail account. Type the email address of the other account. Click Next. Optional: If prompted, you can: Link your account with Gmailify and get enhanced Gmail features for your other account. Import your emails from your other account. Enter your username and password.
How to recover your Google Account or Gmail
If you can’t sign in, try these tips for account recovery. If you still can’t recover your account, you can create a new Google Account. When you do, you can follow these steps to avoid getting locked out of your Google Account. Avoid account & password recovery services. For your security, you can't call Google for help to sign into your ...
Create a Gmail account - Gmail Help - Google Help
Create an account . Tip: To use Gmail for your business, a Google Workspace account might be better for you than a personal Google Account. With Google Workspace, you get increased storage, professional email addresses, and additional features.
Manage your linked Google services - Computer - Google …
Update your choices about which services to link. Go to your Google Account. On the left, click Data & privacy. Under “Linked Google Services,” select Manage linked services. Select the services you want linked and select Next.
Create a Google Account for your child
You can create a Google Account for your child under 13 (or the applicable age in your country) and manage your child’s Google Account with Family Link. With a supervised Google Account, your child gets access to Google products like Search, Chrome, and Gmail. You can set up parental controls to help supervise them.