WHMIS - Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - Canadian Centre for …
May 10, 2024 · The SDS may be provided as one bilingual SDS, or as two SDSs (one each in English and French). In situations where two separate SDSs are used, both the English and French parts must be provided to the purchaser at the same time. Providing an SDS in only English or French would not be considered to be in compliance.
with the SDS attached, or a USB on which the SDS is saved and given to the purchaser. If the English and French portions of the SDS are two separate parts, both the English and French parts must be attached in the same email, or saved on the same USB stick. Note: It is not acceptable to provide an SDS by only providing the purchaser of the ...
The SDS sections that provide identification information . are Sections 1 and 3. SDS Section 1 - Identification. SDS Section 1 contains the product and supplier . identification information. Confirm that you are reading the SDS that matches your . product by comparing the product name, the supplier, and other identifiers to the ones on the label.
CCOHS: WHMIS Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Template
Description. This free template provides the minimum information elements for an SDS required by Schedule 1 of the amended Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR amended on December 15, 2022) to help you author WHMIS compliant safety data sheets.
WHMIS - Hazard Classes and Categories - Canadian Centre for ...
May 10, 2024 · If the product meets any of the criteria for a hazard class, it is known as a hazardous product. All hazardous products must be labelled according to the regulations, and must have a corresponding Safety Data Sheet (SDS). The hazard class and category will be provided in Section 2 (Hazard Identification) of the SDS.
SDS Database (English Language) - Canadian Centre for …
The SDS Database is also available through our Academic Support Program, a collection of CCOHS environmental and occupational health and safety databases, specially designed for colleges and universities, and other degree granting institutions. For Labour Training Centres
CCOHS: SDS Database (French Language)
The SDS Database is also available through our Academic Support Program, a collection of CCOHS environmental and occupational health and safety databases, specially designed for colleges and universities, and other degree granting institutions. For Labour Training Centres
>Understanding a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Feb 21, 2025 · A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides basic information on a material or chemical product. A MSDS describes the properties and potential hazards of the material, how to use it safely, and what to do in an emergency.
CCOHS: Chemicals
Feb 26, 2025 · Chemicals. Access chemical information with substance. Find resources on chemical hazards, product safety, WHMIS, (M)SDSs, transport of hazardous materials, toxicity, and safe work practices.
WHMIS/GHS/SDS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and …
whmis/ghs/sds WHMIS is a comprehensive system for providing information on the safe use of hazardous products in Canadian workplaces, via product labels, SDSs ((material) safety data sheets), and worker education and training programs.