What is Santosha? - Definition from Yogapedia
Dec 21, 2023 · What Does Santosha Mean? Santosha is the second niyama (“virtue”) described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It denotes contentment and a lack of desire for what others have.
Santosha - Wikipedia
Santosha, sometimes spelled Santosa, is a portmanteau in Sanskrit, derived from Saṃ- prefix (सं-, सम्-) and Tosha (तोष (from root √तुष्, √tuṣ)). SaM-, means "completely", "altogether" or "entirely", [5] and Tosha (from the root √tus), "contentment", "satisfaction", "acceptance", "being comfortable". [6] .
Santosha – The Second Niyama: Meaning & Ways to Practice
Jun 10, 2024 · Santosha is the second Niyama which in the most practical sense is conscious cultivation of an approach that teaches you to accept the current situation with contentment. The Sanskrit word “Santosha” is derived by adding the prefix “Sam” (meaning completely,) to the root word “Tosha” (meaning Contentment.)
What Is Santosha? Yoga’s Philosophy of Happiness.
Santosha is the second niyama, a group of principles that form the second part of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga, following the yamas. As you might have read, the eight limbs aim to cultivate a state of inner peace, one that is free of attachment to outcomes or outer circumstances.
Is Santosha (Contentment) Really Possible? - Yoga International
Santosha can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around, particularly if your personal story is filled with negative thoughts. The Sanskrit word santosha is divided into two parts: sam, meaning completely or entirely, and tosha, meaning acceptance, satisfaction, and contentment.
Santosha - Contentment - Ekhart Yoga
Explore Santosha (contentment), the second of the Niyamas of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga and move towards a more positive relationship with yourself.
Santosha: The Yogic Concept of Contentment - YogaRenew
Aug 5, 2024 · Santosha, one of the essential principles in yogic philosophy, invites us to cultivate contentment and gratitude in every aspect of our lives. Derived from Sanskrit, Santosha means “contentment” or “satisfaction,” and it is one of the five Niyamas outlined in …
Santosha: The Yogic Art Of Finding Inner Contentment - yogajala
Jul 6, 2023 · Santosha is a state of peace and contentment that comes from within, born out of a dedication to accepting life exactly as it is. In Hindu mythology, santosha is personified as the son of the goddess Tushti, meaning contentment, and the god Dharma, meaning duty.
Niyamas: Santosha (Contentment) - Yoga International
Santosha, or contentment, means keeping a positive attitude in difficult times. We can choose to wallow in darkness and difficulty, or we can rise above our challenges and see them as opportunities for transformation and the discovery of immense and lasting joy.
Santosha: The Art Of Being Satisfied With Your Life
May 21, 2020 · What Is Santosha? From Sanskrit, “santosha” is translated as “contentment, satisfaction“. The best definition of Santosha is given by Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. He said that it means to remain calm and contented, accepting all the sorrows and pleasures caused by events in connection with the change of time and place.