Smart Fasteners - DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D Design - Eng-Tips
Mar 3, 2005 · Smart Fasteners helps if you have through bolted parts where design changes often affect part thickness, or if you often have shallow blind tapped holes. It will automatically steer you towards having standard lengths, and will flag the fasteners when a part design change invalidates the fastener length in the assembly.
The physics of Bungee Jumping - Tech Side of the RT | Page 2
Apr 10, 2001 · Prex, You've never seen a metal cable snap? Substantially inextensible, but there is a lot of energy stored in the elastic strain energy when it's taut. Same with long chains. Smart people working in the logging industry know to never …
Control valve - CV at 100% open - Valve engineering - Eng-Tips
May 7, 2007 · Standard curves exist for control valves. You need to determine which trim exists. Some manufacturers provide tables showing the percentage travel and the valve coefficient Cv at each 10%, or each 10 degrees for rotary valves.
Primary Value of Smart Dimension dimmed out - Eng-Tips
Aug 18, 2011 · Newbe to SolidWorks 2010. I am designing a part with a slot in it. The slot is supposed to be 30mm wide and I erroneously made it 40mm wide. Using the Smart Dimension tool I want to change the dimension. However the Dimension panel shows the Primary Value dimmed out and I cannot change it. How do I change the dimensioned value of a part.
smart searching with combobox excel vb - Eng-Tips
Oct 29, 2013 · hello everybody, I am here because I am trying to do some userform in order to get some information and paste it to a sheet wich has a template so i can print it with the information i put in the userform. the thing is that I have some comboboxes where I …
dimensioning an elipse - DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D Design
Oct 26, 2007 · I am probably overlooking something obvious but when I try to dimension and elipse in drawing page it says cannot convert to line or arc thus I cannot finish my design because I cannot get the dimensions on the page. All advice appreciated. SW2007
Job interviews not converting into job offers. Need suggestions! 2
Feb 8, 2017 · Then smile. Act confident, but not too "smart". Don't fidget, sit up straight have your arms in a neutral position on your thighs or lightly crossed low down and sit back in the chair, but not rigid with fear. Listen to the questions and have a …
how to add a dimension to a thread.. - Siemens: UG/NX - Eng-Tips
Apr 7, 2011 · The threaded hole callout should be formatted with the information from the thread hole files. The tap drill diameter should come into the drafting callout.
tool and target body do not form complete intersection
Jul 18, 2011 · The thing to keep in mind is that with NX there is something which is called 'tolerant modeling' which means that even if the edges of two bodies do not meet exactly as long as they are within the Modeling Tolerance distance NX will go ahead and take one of the edges as the models true edge and simply 'hide' the other edge.
Flatness Call out 7 - Eng-Tips
Feb 23, 2005 · I am working with a vendor who wants to spec out the folowing : 1,5 mm/2 m Flatness 1,5 mm/2 m Straightness I think calling out flatness and striaghtness this way is wrong . any ideas? -mechantaeus [2thumbsup] Work Hard and Work Smart [2thumbsup]